
ICT SPRING EUROPE 2012 et GOLEOBOX : Développement international annoncé

ICT SPRING EUROPE 2012,GOLEOBOXCe mardi 19 juin 2012, le fondateur de GOLEOBOX a pu présenter en anglais le modèle économique du 1er coffret cadeau contenant une carte cadeau déjà commercialisé à plusieurs milliers d'exemplaires sur la ville de Lille durant l'année 2011.
Les investisseurs présents ont pu découvrir les ambitions et les perspectives de ce produit déjà primé lors de son lancement en 2009. Le fondateur a offert à l'ensemble des personnalités rencontrées des exemplaires de la GOLEOBOX. Cette initiative a été très appréciée ce qui préfigure sans doute le passage vers une autre étape du développement de la start-up. Lors de cette présentation, l'accent a été mis sur l'ambition de commercialiser plusieurs millions de Goleobox dans les grandes capitales du monde grâce à l'offre unique "football" du produit et sur la fonction "Achat sans payer en ligne" développée pour le m-commerce pour tous les détenteurs de la GOLEOBOX.

Ci-dessous texte de la présentation de GOLEOBOX et texte de l'intervention de David RICOUARD, fondateur de GOLEOBOX :

After a two-year test in France on the city of Lille, the start-up GOLEOBOX SAS looking for financial partners.
The company will sell a gift box for all major capital cities in the world. This box contain a glossy catalog and a prepaid card to enjoy activities and refund the football subscription year.
I sell this box in Lille every Saturday since one year and I saw that people buy it for their father. Keeping this fact in mind, I decided to choose football as a foundation for GOLEOBOX and more precisely, I want to touch the football subscription year in order to increase the socios number.
Why ?
Because each socios can bring us ten others football fans.
Because in the GOLEOBOX, there is personal code number, the goleobox owner can give this code to his friends and football friends for mutual advantages.
We hope that this football orientation bring us a lot of recurrent customers.

One of the main innovation of our product is that the GOLEOBOX owner
give to us personal informations in order to extend the box validity. Thus, we create a database for sealing other product and services exclusively with his smartphone. His phone number is used for purchasing without his credit card number but he purchase with his prepaid GOLEOBOX card*.

*This function "buying without CB" is developed by GOLEOBOX SAS on the following websites :

www.01webtv.com (an exclusive news video website on real time climate damages)
www.01webpress.com (paid press website)
www.01luxuryhotels.com (booking rooms in luxury hotels)
www.lookingfoor.com (dating site for singles)
www.23h05.com (adult VOD website accessible from 23 p.m. to 05 a.m.)
www.21h02.com (last minute booking hotel rooms and restaurant tables between 21 p.m. and 02 a.m.)
www.lagrandefourchette.com (last minute reservations for prestigious restaurants)
www.nekutar.com (a web marketplace for GOLEOBOX owner).

Text of the speech of the president scheduled on june 19 at 13h57 :

“Hi everyone, I'm a french man who tried a new product : a giftcard in a giftbox.
It's Goleobox !
What is the best gift for my father this year ? It's a Goleobox !

Goleobox is a gift box for the football fan, because we refund the subscription
year for each football fan who has a Goleobox.
Why the football ? Because it's diffusion and recurrence.
Diffusion because football is loved by a huge population around the world.
Diffusion because football is passion !
Diffusionbecause I speak to my friends what I love !

Recurrence because every years, each Goleobox owner can try to receive a new one.

During the last three years, we constructed the foundation of this project. Today we are support by an international logistician and international distributor. We start to sell Goleobox since two years in Lille but without the football profile and yet twenty supermarket sell Goleobox.

I'm looking for financial support for selling Goleobox in Beijin, Berlin, Brussels, Doha, Lisbon, London, Madrid, New-York, Paris, Rome and Tokyo...

We have the team, we need the sponsor !

Thank you !"

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